Laying cables in the ground with the GM4 crawler drive

Laying cables in the ground with the GM4 crawler When creating trenches for irrigation systems, drains and underground cables, trench cutters for laying cables in the ground are the first choice. LIBA has different trenchers in its programme, which convince with their all-terrain and powerful caterpillar drive, a user-friendly control...

Our used machines

Zurück Weiter GM 6 ASR - Demonstration Machine Our rock trench cutter is designed for the removal of rocks of different strength levels. Powerful milling drums are used, which break out the rock more efficiently and with a unique milling depth. The result: coarser material and a low fine content....

Correct cable laying of optical fibre

Glass fibre - with high speed into the future The future belongs to glass fibre. Data can be transmitted much faster than with copper. Today, not only the Internet, but also radio, TV, telephone and much more come through these fibres. No wonder, then, that laying fibre optic cables is...

Unsere Gebrauchtmaschinen

Zurück Weiter GM 6 ASR - Vorführmaschine Grabenmeister GM4 Raupenantrieb Unsere Fels Grabenfräse ist für das Abtragen von Felsgesteinen verschiedener Festigkeitsstufen konzipiert. Dabei kommen leistungsstarke Frästrommeln zum Einsatz, die den Felsen effizienter und mit einer einzigartigen Frästiefe herausbrechen. Das Ergebnis: gröberes Material und ein geringer Feinanteil. Mit der Grabenfräse lässt...

Milling cable ditches in civil engineering

Milling of cable trenches in civil engineering - only minor impairments with optimum efficiency The environmentally friendly alternative to excavators are trench milling, because they ensure the best workload when milling cable ditches without causing major damage in the sense of nature conservation. When milling the cable trenches, the main...

Cable laying of fibre optic cables

Cable laying -For laying fibre optic cables - the powerful and stable GM 4 all-wheel drive trenchers from LIBA. In some cases, certain projects relating to the laying of fibre-optic cables, such as underground cables, will have to be carried out or it will be necessary to dig trenches for...

Glass fibre laying in civil engineering

Usually, the appropriate working machine is required for the professional creation of trenches for the laying of glass fibre in civil engineering. But the focus must also be on accurate preparation. Glass fibre laying in civil engineering But what if there are impairments during milling as a result of wet...

Cable duct for fibre optic cable

Cable duct for glass fibre installation The diesel-powered trenchers of the GM 6 series are best suited for pulling from a cable shaft. They are self-propelled and have a powerful diesel engine. The GM6 is our strongest machine in the series, which can be used in difficult terrain. It is...